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Showing posts with label Bitcoin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bitcoin. Show all posts

Analyst: Bitcoin Price Rally Targets Between $12K and $22K Based on BitMEX History

The 2019 Bitcoin disbelief rally has recaptured some of the public frenzy and media attention experienced at the height of the last bull run, despite the next bull run barely beginning. The powerfully bullish momentum has crypto investors and analysts reviewing price charts hoping to figure out where the rally might end.One particular swing trader believes that by analyzing historic price action on BitMEX, the targets for the parabolic Bitcoin rally...

Next-Generation 5G Wireless Network Could Be The Spark For Global Blockchain And IoT Adoption

How Are 5G, Blockchain, And IoT Linked Together?Technology moves at a blistering pace sometimes and nothing more so than software. It can be updated daily and paradigms are shifted constantly. Hardware, on the other hand, has a definite sell-by date and lags behind almost constantly.The Next Big ThingWe constantly hear about the Next Big Thing from various companies, none more so than mobile phone companies. It seems like just yesterday that we were...

Bitcoin Surges Above $13,000 to New High

Bitcoin has surged above $13,000 (£9,710; €11,020) to a new record high despite warnings the digital currency's rapid rise could be a dangerous bubble.The coin has seen its value double in the last month in a volatile journey.Its latest milestone came after Bitcoin surged by another $1,000 in value in less than 24 hours.Spread betting firm CMC Markets said the rise had all the symptoms of a bubble market, warning "there is no way to know when the...

Bitcoin Mungkin Akan Naik Sehingga $40,000 Hujung Tahun Depan - Novogratz

Bekas pengurus dana di Fortress, Michael Novogratz berkata pada Isnin bahawa Bitcoin naik empat kali ganda dalam tempoh 13 bulan akan datang."Bitcoin mungkin akan capai harga $40,000 pada penghujung 2018. Ia akan naik dengan mudah," kata Novogratz kepada CNBC. Ëtherium pula telah mencapai $500 atau semakin hampir, ia boleh naik tiga kali ganda daripada harga semasa."Bitcoin kini didagangkan di sekitar $9,784 setakat pukul 9.51 malam pada Selasa....

Five Reasons Bitcoin Will Be Your Best High-Growth Investment For 2018

As the founder and COO of the first and largest cryptocurrency retirement program in the U.S., I’m seeing enormous demand from individuals and experiencing Bitcoin’s dramatic growth in price and adoption firsthand.Bitcoin had a record-breaking year in 2017, taking a volatile growth course from $900 at the start of the year to $6,300 by October. But skeptics like hedge fund manager Ray Dalio and JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon have thumbed their proverbial...

Pelaburan Bitcoin, Adakah Ia Peluang Atau Musibah

Dalam dunia kewangan, satu teknologi atau penemuan baru yang paling hipster setakat ini adalah Bitcoin.Mungkin anda pernah dengar pasal pelaburan Bitcoin, tentang status halal haram Bitcoin, scam Bitcoin, dan ada yang kaitkan Bitcoin dengan MLM. Ada yang sangat taksub dengan Bitcoin sehingga sanggup berhenti kerja.Anda mungkin pernah cuba google ‘what is Bitcoin’, dan jumpa ayat lebih kurang macam ini:“Bitcoin adalah satu cryptocurrency atau matawang...

Cara Melombong Bitcoin Guna Komputer

Asalamualaikum,sedang melayari internet ni, maka terjumpa satu laman yang dirasakan dapat memberi manfaat bersama. Walau pun belum terbukti, tetapi tak salah untuk mencuba. Sekarang ni nak share pada anda semua tentang bitcoin, tapi kali ini cara melombong bitcoin guna komputer, bukan mining ya... hehe kalau nak main mining maybe kena jadi anak berada - ada dulu baru boleh beli ASIS mahal - mahal, lepas tu melombong puas-puas sehingga bitcoin ni...